St Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas Church Schools Partnership
In September 2018, our PCC agreed to fund Chris Nixon, our music director, to go into Chaloner, Highcliffe, Galley Hill and Belmont Primary Schools for one day a week, doing what he does best – Music! Schools’ funding seldom allows them to provide their own music education and opportunities for their pupils, so this is really a ‘Godsend’ – a gift from our church. The schools come into church for their own special services. You may have noticed a lot of activity in church in the run-up to Christmas!
Initially Chris has taken this on for three years. How can we measure the results? We may never be able to do that, certainly in the short term. But already, schoolchildren have joined the choir. Young families have come into church for services at Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas, ‘crossing the thresh hold’…. Children have led from the front of our church, introducing songs, prayers and readings…..And the schools have, it seems, just been waiting for something like this to happen.
Of course, there is a cost. This is our Musical Director’s livelihood, and our church is paying for his time. What can you do? Please pray. For continued energy, enthusiasm and support from the church family, and the wider community; for Chris, and all those who give their time and energy to help him. And please consider giving, financially, to this project. Talk to any of the Schools Project Steering Committee - Lorna Buckle, David Welsh, Marianne East -or to the Churchwardens or Geoff Hill, to find out more.